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Purchase - USD49.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This book brings together a collection of works that critically exam the significance and place of Professor Toyin Falola’s scholarship within and beyond African historiography as well as engage emerging ideas, forgotten/ignored histories, and research issues in African history and African Diaspora studies. The volume draws on multidisciplinary perspectives to dialogue such issues as research frontiers Falola’s scholarship has opened for the field of African history, how to consolidate/articulate or even disarticulate those frontiers, the work strategies that influence his scholarly output, and the path he has charted for African historians. In many ways, Falola’s scholarship cannot be captured under any one specific title, for as his scholarship shows, he is, indeed, Beyond the Boundaries, engaging both conventional and nonconventional issues.     Professor Falola has distinguished himself as one of Africa’s most important intellectuals in cont
Purchase - USD19.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
A young African American (Otis Hampton) falls into periodic spasms and chants a text nobody understands. His troubled family seeks help. The text, recorded by a psychiatrist and deciphered by linguists, is found to be a corrupted family chant from the Yoruba of Nigeria. The doctor advises a trip to that ethnic region. The spiritual voices that have been summoning Otis finally bring him, after some alarming experiences in the journey from America through the Nigerian hinterland, to the very spot where his ancestor was enslaved over a century before. The recorded chant helps to locate the man’s surviving kin nearby. Otis is persuaded to remain in the village for nearly two years, during which, despite the resurgence of old antagonisms towards his family, he learns the language and culture of the place and joins in completing the rites his ancestor was performing when he was captured by slavers. Armed with a recovered identity and a chastened wisdom in African culture, Otis finally return
CARNIVAL OF THE OLD COAST     Africa World Press
Purchase - USD12.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
The concern in Johnson's Sierra Leone Trilogy has been to return to, and re-frame, the years from the 1500s to the 1960s, and to do so by deploying con/texts in the Sierra Leone Krio heritage-- with its remarkably elastic history of scatteration and re-grouping; its canon of anguish that is as much a tale from Shakespeare as it is a bolero for Quasimodo. In brief, Carnival of the Old Caost, Hand on the Navel, and Highlife for Caliban all negotiate, traffic and trade as necessary, into a quite complex cultural genealogy. It is a genealogy that is as much Yoruba as it is Afro-Portuguese; as much Liverpool and Hull as Nova Scotia and Jamaican Maroon. The product, too, of the coast of the Carolinas and of the Gullah islands, this carnival of a Krio identity is here answerable to its ancestry in Afro-Christian shout as it is to the call of the Afro-Islamic Aku Krio mosques of Fourah Bay, in the Eastend of Freetown. The result is "pedigree, with weight" --Hagar
Purchase - USD29.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This volume surveys the existing research into Africentric Psychology. It presents a cogent discourse on selected issues fundamental to this re-emerging discipline. This ground-breaking collection of studies is expected to heighten public recognition of the intrinsic worth and positive human potential of an Africentric approach to psychology. Professionals, whether engaged primarily in theory, research, or practice, will welcome the freshness and depth of vision this anthology affords into the history and teaching of psychology, into the methodology of culture-specific research, into the peculiar predicament of the African American, into the effects of oppression and the very nature of human personality. Students of psychology, at every level, will find in this book valuable and proactive alternatives to the prevailing Eurocentric analyses. It will not only broaden their knowledge base but will begin to reverse the awful effects of miseducation. Besides Daudi Ajani ya Azibo, the contri
Purchase - USD21.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
Three years after South Africa's first non-racial democratic elections, the difficult process of social and economic transformation continues. About one-half of South Africa's approximately 43 million people-and two-thirds of its African population-still live in deep poverty. At least seven million live in shacks. Land hunger is widespread. Land dispossession caused by colonial-and apartheid-forced removals and alienation of land and water rights lie at the heart of the repressive regime which the national liberation movement struggled against.In South Africa, land and agrarian reform policy is presently being developed as a top down exercise increasingly informed by a neo-liberal macroeconomic policy orientation. In the book, this elite driven transition is contrasted with a proposed popular program of radical transformation. The specific role of the World Bank is criticized, and the results of a uniquely participatory research and policy development project recently undertaken in Mpu
Purchase - USD34.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This book reveals a dynamic picture of African rural society in which production patterns change rapidly in response to market opportunities. These changes are driven largely by local farmers' initiatives, and are often associated with an increase in market-based access to land that is evident under both customary and private land tenure
Purchase - USD21.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This book provides, for the first time, a detailed analysis of the role of big business in Africa's agriculture. It exposes the past and present activities of foreign companies in the diversion of much of Africa's food potential to the cash crop demands of Europe. Most aspects of company activity are illustrated with examples and there is a detailed description of trade and investment in coffee, sugar and the newer luxury crops such as flowers and vegetables. The attitudes of the governments of Tanzania and Kenya towards agribusiness investment are contrasted and the book ends with a look at perhaps the most ominous of recent developments--Africa's increasing dependence on transnational supplied, large scale food production schemes."Scrupulously researched yet easy to read, Agribusiness in Africa is surely a book that food/hunger scholars and activists will keep on top of their desks, not on a shelf. It should also open the eyes of the general public to the reasons why Africa
Purchase - USD59.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
In this important book on the present situation and prospects of agriculture in post-independence Eritrea, Dr. Tesfa G. Gebremedhin emphasizes the crucial role of this sector in the overall social and economic growth and development of the country. This is a timely book that address issues of economic recovery, widespread poverty, deep-rooted underdevelopment, women's rights, and progressive environmental degradation in the newly independent African nation. A comprehensive review of the chracteristics of the technical and institutional constraints and economic potentials of agriculture for development is presented in detail. Appropriate strategy and practical policy options for achieving and maintaining sustainable agriclture and rural development are thoroughly discussed. The book also provides rigorous economic analysis and valuable insights into development dynamics of an agrarian society which are relevant to any developing country. In addition, in-depth examination is made of the
Purchase - USD34.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This volume is based on original field research on land struggles and civil society in Southern Africa, with chapters on South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique and Zambia. Most chapters are written by NGO and grassroots activists. In the context of global restructuring and specific nation-building projects, rural and agrarian relations in these countries continue to generate specific forms of inequalities and marginalisation. However, these processes of social exclusion have not gone unchallenged by rural communities, and land struggles exist throughout the region. Many commonalities mark the contemporary agrarian question in the Southern Africa region, including market-driven processes, land concentration and food insecurity. But national particularities also exist, in part because of different colonial pasts and present development paths. The book captures the specificity of land struggles taking place within specific countries, including confli
Purchase - USD29.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
Khat (catha edulis) is a psychoactive shrub whose tender leaves and twigs have been chewed in the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula for their euphonizing effects for a millennium. A stimulant grown in small gardens for consumption on cultural and religious occasions around the turn of the last century, khat has now become the preferred and most sought-after cash crop, the most visible and pervasive social habit, and an important income-generating occupation for millions of Ethiopians. Within Ethiopia, khat chewing has become a ubiquitous habit, cutting across class, religious, ethnic, and gender affiliations. In addition to satisfying the domestic demand, Ethiopian producers supply fresh leaves to chewers in Djibouti, the Republic of Somaliland, and some Middle Eastern countries. More recently, refugees from the Horn of Africa further spread the custom of chewing to their host nations, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and various Western European countries, openin
Purchase - USD34.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
The Transformation of Nigeria: Essays in Honor of Toyin Falola covers all the major themes in the modern history of Nigeria: education, law, political development, economy, gender, ethnicity, language, cultures, and art. The contributors work with original manuscripts and fresh interpretations to present, in a single volume, the most original and comprehensive knowledge about Nigeria, Africa's most populous country. The book is offered as the first tribute to celebrate and honor the immense contribution of Professor Toyin Falola to the study of Africa in general and Nigeria in particular. A distinguished Africanist and a leading historian of Nigeria, Falola has established an enduring academic legacy. No modern historian of Africa has received more praise than him. Regarded as the most prolific and brilliant historian of Africa in the last quarter of the twentieth century, his vast reputation and matchless record ensure that he will also be one of the most dominant historians of
Purchase - USD29.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
The point of departure of this work is the problem of introducing soil conservation and innovations in afforestation on a sustainable basis in rural Ethiopia. This book attempts to answer why a major conservation program introduced and implemented in Ethiopia during the twenty years of the Derg regime failed to induce the changes in land use and management practices that it sought to bring about, and why it was not sustained by indigenous farmers. The search for an explanation of the failure of the program-induced adoption of soil conservation and innovations in afforestation focuses on four areas: the existence or absence of indigenous conservation-oriented land use and management, the manner in which the program was implemented, the balance sheet of its benefits and short-comings, and the property rights conditions under which the program was promoted. The contribution of this last factor is systematically examined and weighed, separately as well as in conjunction with other factors
AFRICA IN AN ERA OF CRISIS     Africa World Press
Purchase - USD35    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
The comprehensive character of the African has finally acquired international public recognition. Yet in Africa itself a mood of conservatism and withdrawal characterises intellectual life. A critical perspective is essential for challenging this. Africa is in an Era of Crisis does not claim to provide the definitive answers to Africa's problems. That is not its aim. It's purpose is to state the argument for rethinking critical issues in Africa and through this argument press home the necessity for critical debate. It is our contention that such an intellectual revolution is one of the requirements for meaningful change in Africa today
Purchase - USD19.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
Africa Through the Eyes of Women Artists generates energy, history, contemporary ideas, and the natural elements of expression that converge in a centrifugal purpose. The lens of women artists and their unique frames of reference provide a beautifully treated and authentic collage of the African experience."Betty LaDuke's Africa Through the Eyes of Women Artists, unusual portraits of twelve artists from Africa and the Diaspora, makes a significant contribution to women's studies, African diaspora studies, and art history and cultural history. This collection of essays, which result from sensitive interviews conducted by LaDuke with women of African descent throughout the diaspora, provides extraordinary insight into the nature of creative expression among a group of women too long ignored by scholars. LaDuke's pioneering and courageous effort to make visible in this way such a diverse group of talented women deserves our applause." -Beverly Guy-Sheftall, Spelman College"Afric
Purchase - USD39.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
Debates regarding Africa’s development remain controversial and unresolved. As part of contributing to the debate, the Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute has been convening colloquia, symposia and conferences on related matters. One of those endeavours focused on re-awakening and shaping Africa’s future in a globalised world and this book is an outcome of that symposium. This edited volume examines the role of democratic governance, peace and security, the African political economy, regional integration, trade, land and human rights for Africa’s development as well as unpacks coloniality. The book – another in the Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute book series – is an important addition in the broader field of African political economy of development. The book is of interest to researchers, academics, practitioners and policy makers who desire an in-depth understanding of Africa’s development conundrum as well as possible solutions.