Search results: 217 results found.
ADWA: An African Story     Africa World Press
Purchase - USD16.99    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
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ASHES AND EMBERS     Africa World Press
Purchase - USD14.99    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
Ned is a Vietnam war veteran who, several years after the war, is struggling to come to terms with his role in the war and his role as a Black man in America. Criticized by his girlfriend and his friend Jim, Ned flees to the comfort of his grandmothers farm. Her criticism and haunting memories of the war send him fleeing again to LA. In the midst of tinsel Hollywood, Ned transforms from an embittered ex-soldier to a strong, confident man
BUSH MAMA     Kamagezi
Purchase - USD14.99    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
Dorothy is a mother in Watts, who despite the odds, tries to raise her daughter decently in an environment of harsh poverty. She becomes pregnant, the man in her life becomes incarcerated and the welfare department insists she have an abortion. After protecting her daughter from a rapist, Dorothy herself is jailed. The film depicts resistance and subsequent growth and transformation
TEZA: "Morning Dew     Africa World Press
Purchase - USD19.99    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
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Purchase - USD14.99    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
Dorothy is a mother in Watts, who despite the odds, tries to raise her daughter decently in an environment of harsh poverty. She becomes pregnant, the man in her life becomes incarcerated and the welfare department insists she have an abortion. After protecting her daughter from a rapist, Dorothy herself is jailed. The film depicts resistance and subsequent growth and transformation.  
Purchase - USD79.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This book presents the phenomenon and relevance of Latin America-born Liberation Theology in the African postcolony of Eritrea. The authors describe the advent, context, and significance of Liberation Theology by historicizing and revisiting the global role of the Catholic Church and its stances on social justice in different places and historical times. Throughout the book, the authors engage in deep intergenerational conversations to unpack—and in the process understand—the stances of the Eritrean Catholic Church on the evolving sociopolitical and economic conditions in Eritrea since independence in 1991. They critically examine the country’s variegated path to its current state and invoke visionary legacies of Eritrean and African intellectuals and spiritual leaders in search for answers to the complex questions of democracy, nationalism, and identity. Consisting of four chapters, the book provides fresh perspectives on what it takes to initiate critical, construct
UBUNTU AND PERSONHOOD     Africa World Press
Purchase - USD109.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This book examines the relationship between Ubuntu and the idea of personhood. Ubuntu in its broadest sense is rooted in the belief that the full development of personhood comes with shared identity and the idea that an individual’s humanity is fostered in a network of relationships: I am because you are; we are because you are. The chapters in this book seek to interrogate this relational quality of personhood embodied in Ubuntu. The book further seeks to examine whether we can talk about relational personhood without running the risk of essentialism. It argues that no human society is possible without a network of relations, which involves, among other elements, communication and interaction between individuals. It is a critical engagement with how Ubuntu shapes those ethical values of connectedness and interdependence within society. The book also asks whether we can find relevance in Ubuntu as an ethical value system, which is likely to mediate our daily activities and t
WHISPERING OUT LOUD:Voices of Africana     Africa World Press
Purchase - USD21.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This book contains a collection of articles written by Africana Studies scholars: Kaila Story, De Reef Jamison, Karanja Carrol, Dawn Elissa Fischer, Serie Mc Dougal, Justin Gammage, Marquita Gammage, and Michael Tillotson. Kaila Story examines the dire consequences of young Feminists of color engaging with and adopting a framework that has been repackaged for their racial and class complacency. De Reef Jamison looks at the contributions of African-centered psychologist Bobby Wright through the lens of critical race consciousness, mainstream psychological theory and mentacide. Karanja Carrol examines the work of Cheikh Anta Diops “Two Cradle Theory” as an explanatory basis for the differences in worldview between African and European peoples. Dawn Elissa Fischer explores the wide vistas of the pioneering work of Black and/or Africana-identified anthropologists and how their work relates to the founding philosophies of Black/Africana Studies. Serie Mc Dougal investigates the
Purchase - USD79.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This book presents the phenomenon and relevance of Latin America-born Liberation Theology in the African postcolony of Eritrea. The authors describe the advent, context, and significance of Liberation Theology by historicizing and revisiting the global role of the Catholic Church and its stances on social justice in different places and historical times. Throughout the book, the authors engage in deep intergenerational conversations to unpack—and in the process understand—the stances of the Eritrean Catholic Church on the evolving sociopolitical and economic conditions in Eritrea since independence in 1991. They critically examine the country’s variegated path to its current state and invoke visionary legacies of Eritrean and African intellectuals and spiritual leaders in search for answers to the complex questions of democracy, nationalism, and identity. Consisting of four chapters, the book provides fresh perspectives on what it takes to initiate critical, construct
Purchase - USD14.99    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
"African Psychology is not a thing, but a place-- a view, a perspective, a way of observing." African Psychology does not claim to be exclusive body  of knowledge, though a body of knowledge has and will continue to be generated from the place. It is a perspective that is lodged in the historical primacy of the human view from the land that is known a s Africa. It is not limited to a geographical place, neither a particular ethnicity nor an identifiable ideology. It is the view that led to the very dawning of human consciousness and it is the substratum f all that is uniquely human on this planet. 
Purchase - USD39.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
In 2006 Ali A. Mazrui wrote an essay titled “Black Boswell: A Biographer’s Pilgrimage”. It was a tribute to Omari Kokole (1954-1996) who, by the time of his death, was serving as the Associate Director of Mazrui’s Institute of Global Cultural Studies at Binghamton University, New York. Kokole was also writing Ali Mazrui’s biography at the time. It was this fact which prompted Mazrui to suggest that Kokole was playing Africa’s James Boswell to Mazrui’s Samuel Johnson. Unfortunately, the “Black Boswell” project, which had showed so much promise, was never realized due to Kokole’s sudden death. It is this simple observation as well as the fact that Mazrui had from time to time said there was a frustrated novelist in him which, in turn, partly inspired us to title this book Black Orwell: Essays on the Scholarship of Ali A. Mazrui. Is there a sense in which Ali Mazrui could be regarded as the George Orwell of Africa? Some of t
Purchase - USD109.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This collection of essays by new and seasoned scholars presents cutting-edge research on the history of Africa and the African Diasporas. The chapters ask new questions, query old assumptions, and open new fields of inquiry. While the essays are broad-ranging, three major themes found throughout the volume bind the chapters together.With a newfound focus on biographies, the volume explores Africans in the Diaspora, problematizes mobility and population displacement, and nuances resistance as a ubiquitous aspect of African history.  Throughout the volume Africans are seen moving voluntarily, by necessity, or by force both within the continent and beyond it. Wherever they are, Africans are also resisting—struggling to improve their circumstances and, in the process, preserve their agency in defiance of coercive authority. In their respective ways, the chapters move beyond generalizations and abstractions to render subaltern groups and individual lives visible and comprehensibl
Purchase - USD59.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This is a novel based on the recent history of Ethiopia and Eritrea. The principal characters of the novel are former participants in the revolution of the 1970s and 1980s, a period marked by a generation’s uprising against the prevailing order—feudal order in Ethiopia, and Ethiopian occupation of Eritrea.This is a riveting tale of the idealistic fervor of a generation of Ethiopians swept away by the revolution that was to shake and eventually destroy the very foundation of the millennia old feudal monarchy and consume some of them in the process.--Mohammed A. Nurhussein, MD This novel once again shows that the most gifted, the most far sighted and the most deserving to lead were obliterated by the least qualified to lead. The heartbreaking events that led to the demise of Berhane Meskel Redda, and other prominent Ethiopian intellectuals is woven into a suspenseful novel. The pain and sorrow in the novel is coupled with hope and forgiveness.--Yonas Endale Geda, MD The uni
Purchase - USD109.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This book provides first-hand information on the inner workings of the process, dabbed by the international press as the ‘creeping coup’ that brought the downfall of the legendary Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia. The 108 members of the junta, known as the Derg, which means committee in Amharic started meeting without clear agenda or purpose. The author was one of the three members of the Planning Committee, who, with the oversight of Mengistu Haile Mariam, developed the plan for most of the critical actions the Derg made during the first seven months. The book provides first-hand information on what took place in this committee and the Derg at large, during this period.  The information provided is of immense value to historians and anybody who wants to research this period in Ethiopian history
FILM IN NIGERIA     Africa World Press
Purchase - USD29.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
Film in Nigeria is an exceptional work on the scholarship of film in Nigeria and the Nigerian film. It is a pioneering in more ways than one. It was Film in Nigeria that opened up this new area of scholarship in the study of visual culture in Nigeria. Each of the ten chapters sizes up the different context of film production in Nigeria, and they cohere to provide rare information on the making of the Nigerian cinema since the colonial times. The value of this work lies in its establishment of a dynamic groundwork for the analysis and appreciation of the contexts in which films are produced and consumed in Nigeria, and in particular the Nigerian film. There is hardly any book on the subject with the rare insights of this book. Film in Nigeria will surely find its place in courses on African Film Studies, Mass Communications, Theatre Art Studies, Popular Culture, Policy Studies and to those interested or involved in film appreciation and production in Nigeria.    &nb