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Purchase - USD109.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
On Building a Social Movement focuses, as its sub-title suggests, on the North American campaign for southern African liberation. It does so by first evoking both the region-wide battle for liberation from racial oppression that emerged in southern Africa between 1960 and 1994 and the world-wide mobilization of support for that regional struggle which emerged alongside it. It then examines in some detail the building of movements in both Canada and the United States designed to contribute to this notable global effort. These movements sought to publicize the positive goals and concrete undertakings of the liberation struggles on the ground in southern Africa while also focusing public attention on the policies of the governments and the corporations in North America that pulled the two countries focused on in this book to the wrong - the racist and exploitative - side of this African contestation. “Solidarity is the soul of the workers’ movement. This is a book ab
Purchase - USD29.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
The book presents practical examples and lessons to learners on commonly used quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analyses for postgraduate level research. All relevant steps have been simplified and supplemented with numerical examples. Results of data analyses have been interpreted clearly. The book covers topics such as conducting literature review and scientific writing, study designs, how to write-up postgraduate level research proposals and dissertations, how to calculate sample sizes and power for quantitative studies, how to summarize raw and grouped data sets using quantitative and graphical methods, one and two-sample tests on means and proportions, the Pearson chi-square test of association (cross-tab analyses), simple and multiple linear regression and correlation analysis, binary and multinomial logistic regression analysis, and qualitative methods of data collection and analyses. The book demonstrates how quality research matters and is very ideal
Latin American Modernisms and Technology     Africa World Press
Purchase - USD39.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This collection of essays documents the creative involvement of Latin American artists and intellectuals with modern technologies (mechanical, electronic, digital, and imaginary) from the nineteenth-century to the present. Acknowledging the extensiveness of the histories of both modern technologies and modernism, the essays cover a diversity of media, technologies, and conceptual aspects of techno-culture that Latin American artists and intellectuals have engaged with to depict individual and collective visions of sociocultural progress. These visualizations always had the potential to affect the development of visual culture regionally and internationally. To study these works in relation to the existing histories of art and media arts can lead scholars to rethink notions of artistic innovation and to generate new chronologies and theories for these histories. The contributors to this volume examine works of literature, art, and design from a variety of perspectives includi
KONKABABY     Africa World Press
Purchase - USD16.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
Konkababy follows the rhythms of artists such as Fela Kuti, Aimé Césaire, and Zim Ngqawana through “the poorly lit paradise” of the Atlantic world. Divining both the mundane and the spectacular, these poems feel their way through a net of bewildered visions and sudden ecstasies towards an elusive new world that flashes just beyond the horizon.                                                                                            *******************************Spree MacDonald's collection reveals a truly innovative voice in contemporary US-global poetry—a waking-shuffling-dream book of surrealist visions drawn more from anticolonial tendencies than the oft-imitated Eurocentric canon, as lived through urban experience in
FILM IN NIGERIA     Africa World Press
Purchase - USD29.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
Film in Nigeria is an exceptional work on the scholarship of film in Nigeria and the Nigerian film. It is a pioneering in more ways than one. It was Film in Nigeria that opened up this new area of scholarship in the study of visual culture in Nigeria. Each of the ten chapters sizes up the different context of film production in Nigeria, and they cohere to provide rare information on the making of the Nigerian cinema since the colonial times. The value of this work lies in its establishment of a dynamic groundwork for the analysis and appreciation of the contexts in which films are produced and consumed in Nigeria, and in particular the Nigerian film. There is hardly any book on the subject with the rare insights of this book. Film in Nigeria will surely find its place in courses on African Film Studies, Mass Communications, Theatre Art Studies, Popular Culture, Policy Studies and to those interested or involved in film appreciation and production in Nigeria.    &nb
Purchase - USD109.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This book provides first-hand information on the inner workings of the process, dabbed by the international press as the ‘creeping coup’ that brought the downfall of the legendary Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia. The 108 members of the junta, known as the Derg, which means committee in Amharic started meeting without clear agenda or purpose. The author was one of the three members of the Planning Committee, who, with the oversight of Mengistu Haile Mariam, developed the plan for most of the critical actions the Derg made during the first seven months. The book provides first-hand information on what took place in this committee and the Derg at large, during this period.  The information provided is of immense value to historians and anybody who wants to research this period in Ethiopian history
Purchase - USD59.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This is a novel based on the recent history of Ethiopia and Eritrea. The principal characters of the novel are former participants in the revolution of the 1970s and 1980s, a period marked by a generation’s uprising against the prevailing order—feudal order in Ethiopia, and Ethiopian occupation of Eritrea.This is a riveting tale of the idealistic fervor of a generation of Ethiopians swept away by the revolution that was to shake and eventually destroy the very foundation of the millennia old feudal monarchy and consume some of them in the process.--Mohammed A. Nurhussein, MD This novel once again shows that the most gifted, the most far sighted and the most deserving to lead were obliterated by the least qualified to lead. The heartbreaking events that led to the demise of Berhane Meskel Redda, and other prominent Ethiopian intellectuals is woven into a suspenseful novel. The pain and sorrow in the novel is coupled with hope and forgiveness.--Yonas Endale Geda, MD The uni
Purchase - USD109.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This collection of essays by new and seasoned scholars presents cutting-edge research on the history of Africa and the African Diasporas. The chapters ask new questions, query old assumptions, and open new fields of inquiry. While the essays are broad-ranging, three major themes found throughout the volume bind the chapters together.With a newfound focus on biographies, the volume explores Africans in the Diaspora, problematizes mobility and population displacement, and nuances resistance as a ubiquitous aspect of African history.  Throughout the volume Africans are seen moving voluntarily, by necessity, or by force both within the continent and beyond it. Wherever they are, Africans are also resisting—struggling to improve their circumstances and, in the process, preserve their agency in defiance of coercive authority. In their respective ways, the chapters move beyond generalizations and abstractions to render subaltern groups and individual lives visible and comprehensibl
Purchase - USD39.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
In 2006 Ali A. Mazrui wrote an essay titled “Black Boswell: A Biographer’s Pilgrimage”. It was a tribute to Omari Kokole (1954-1996) who, by the time of his death, was serving as the Associate Director of Mazrui’s Institute of Global Cultural Studies at Binghamton University, New York. Kokole was also writing Ali Mazrui’s biography at the time. It was this fact which prompted Mazrui to suggest that Kokole was playing Africa’s James Boswell to Mazrui’s Samuel Johnson. Unfortunately, the “Black Boswell” project, which had showed so much promise, was never realized due to Kokole’s sudden death. It is this simple observation as well as the fact that Mazrui had from time to time said there was a frustrated novelist in him which, in turn, partly inspired us to title this book Black Orwell: Essays on the Scholarship of Ali A. Mazrui. Is there a sense in which Ali Mazrui could be regarded as the George Orwell of Africa? Some of t
Purchase - USD14.99    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
"African Psychology is not a thing, but a place-- a view, a perspective, a way of observing." African Psychology does not claim to be exclusive body  of knowledge, though a body of knowledge has and will continue to be generated from the place. It is a perspective that is lodged in the historical primacy of the human view from the land that is known a s Africa. It is not limited to a geographical place, neither a particular ethnicity nor an identifiable ideology. It is the view that led to the very dawning of human consciousness and it is the substratum f all that is uniquely human on this planet. 
Purchase - USD79.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This book presents the phenomenon and relevance of Latin America-born Liberation Theology in the African postcolony of Eritrea. The authors describe the advent, context, and significance of Liberation Theology by historicizing and revisiting the global role of the Catholic Church and its stances on social justice in different places and historical times. Throughout the book, the authors engage in deep intergenerational conversations to unpack—and in the process understand—the stances of the Eritrean Catholic Church on the evolving sociopolitical and economic conditions in Eritrea since independence in 1991. They critically examine the country’s variegated path to its current state and invoke visionary legacies of Eritrean and African intellectuals and spiritual leaders in search for answers to the complex questions of democracy, nationalism, and identity. Consisting of four chapters, the book provides fresh perspectives on what it takes to initiate critical, construct
WHISPERING OUT LOUD:Voices of Africana     Africa World Press
Purchase - USD21.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This book contains a collection of articles written by Africana Studies scholars: Kaila Story, De Reef Jamison, Karanja Carrol, Dawn Elissa Fischer, Serie Mc Dougal, Justin Gammage, Marquita Gammage, and Michael Tillotson. Kaila Story examines the dire consequences of young Feminists of color engaging with and adopting a framework that has been repackaged for their racial and class complacency. De Reef Jamison looks at the contributions of African-centered psychologist Bobby Wright through the lens of critical race consciousness, mainstream psychological theory and mentacide. Karanja Carrol examines the work of Cheikh Anta Diops “Two Cradle Theory” as an explanatory basis for the differences in worldview between African and European peoples. Dawn Elissa Fischer explores the wide vistas of the pioneering work of Black and/or Africana-identified anthropologists and how their work relates to the founding philosophies of Black/Africana Studies. Serie Mc Dougal investigates the
UBUNTU AND PERSONHOOD     Africa World Press
Purchase - USD109.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This book examines the relationship between Ubuntu and the idea of personhood. Ubuntu in its broadest sense is rooted in the belief that the full development of personhood comes with shared identity and the idea that an individual’s humanity is fostered in a network of relationships: I am because you are; we are because you are. The chapters in this book seek to interrogate this relational quality of personhood embodied in Ubuntu. The book further seeks to examine whether we can talk about relational personhood without running the risk of essentialism. It argues that no human society is possible without a network of relations, which involves, among other elements, communication and interaction between individuals. It is a critical engagement with how Ubuntu shapes those ethical values of connectedness and interdependence within society. The book also asks whether we can find relevance in Ubuntu as an ethical value system, which is likely to mediate our daily activities and t
Purchase - USD79.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This book presents the phenomenon and relevance of Latin America-born Liberation Theology in the African postcolony of Eritrea. The authors describe the advent, context, and significance of Liberation Theology by historicizing and revisiting the global role of the Catholic Church and its stances on social justice in different places and historical times. Throughout the book, the authors engage in deep intergenerational conversations to unpack—and in the process understand—the stances of the Eritrean Catholic Church on the evolving sociopolitical and economic conditions in Eritrea since independence in 1991. They critically examine the country’s variegated path to its current state and invoke visionary legacies of Eritrean and African intellectuals and spiritual leaders in search for answers to the complex questions of democracy, nationalism, and identity. Consisting of four chapters, the book provides fresh perspectives on what it takes to initiate critical, construct
Purchase - USD14.99    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
Dorothy is a mother in Watts, who despite the odds, tries to raise her daughter decently in an environment of harsh poverty. She becomes pregnant, the man in her life becomes incarcerated and the welfare department insists she have an abortion. After protecting her daughter from a rapist, Dorothy herself is jailed. The film depicts resistance and subsequent growth and transformation.  
TEZA: "Morning Dew     Africa World Press
Purchase - USD19.99    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
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BUSH MAMA     Kamagezi
Purchase - USD14.99    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
Dorothy is a mother in Watts, who despite the odds, tries to raise her daughter decently in an environment of harsh poverty. She becomes pregnant, the man in her life becomes incarcerated and the welfare department insists she have an abortion. After protecting her daughter from a rapist, Dorothy herself is jailed. The film depicts resistance and subsequent growth and transformation
ASHES AND EMBERS     Africa World Press
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Ned is a Vietnam war veteran who, several years after the war, is struggling to come to terms with his role in the war and his role as a Black man in America. Criticized by his girlfriend and his friend Jim, Ned flees to the comfort of his grandmothers farm. Her criticism and haunting memories of the war send him fleeing again to LA. In the midst of tinsel Hollywood, Ned transforms from an embittered ex-soldier to a strong, confident man
ADWA: An African Story     Africa World Press
Purchase - USD16.99    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
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Purchase - USD29.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This book consists of essays on African church history: historiography, context (ecology and worldviews), the missionary enterprise and African responses that explain the massive growth of Christianity in contemporary Africa. Some essays have been published; others are unpublished, or rewritten to fit into a theme. Clio is the ancient Muse of History. When dressed in a sacred garb, the muse performs for religious people and, in this case, for church historians. The essays address the cutting edge of contemporary African church historiography and the process of appropriation of the gospel in the encounter with Christianity. The essays contend that culture-contacts, as in the missionary movement, involve configurations of power. Thus, culture, conversion, and civilizing mission are power concepts that dominated the relationship between white missionaries and black Christians even after decolonization. The African context, shaped by diverse cultures, ecosystems, worldviews and poverty exp
Purchase - USD39.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
The narratives and analyses in this volume will enable scholars of global Christianity to discern how the shifting center of gravity in Christianity is being played out in Africa. Kalu in these essays do not simple record demographic shift, numerical growth, and vitality of African churches, but also and importantly shows how the expressions of Christianity are filtered through African cultures. The narratives are intellectually compelling and emotionally engaging. They primarily focus on concrete lives and efforts of people engaged in the missionary endeavor. The essays do not simply tell the story of how African Christians are engaged in the practices of sharing their faith. They also describe how African Christians are shaping the world through the power of the Christian gospel and the ethic of love expressed in the life of Jesus Christ. Kalu makes the significant point that it is unnecessary for missiologists studying the recent blooming of Christianity in Africa to search for it
Purchase - USD21.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
Born in Ogidi, southeastern Nigeria, on November 16, 1940, Chinua Achebe has become one of the world’s leading fiction writers. He is a fascinating writer, whose life is of the stuff that makes fiction. Growing up in the cultural crossroads of colonial Nigeria, he lived and mediated in a world in which his people moved between allegiance to traditional Igbo beliefs and values and those introduced by the British colonialism, particularly Anglican Christianity under the Church Missionary Society. Achebe’s father was a zealous Anglican missionary, who was nicknamed Nineteen-Four, referring to the start of his missionary journeys in Nigeria in 1904. On the other hand, Achebe’s uncle, Udo Osinyi, was a die-hard Igbo, who stuck to traditional religion. It is said that he once ordered missionaries singing choir songs in his yard to leave, stating “Your singing is too sad to come from a man’s house. My neighbors might think it was my funeral dirge." This tension-filled life at societal crossr
Purchase - USD24.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
n Borderline Movements in African Fiction, Losambe uses African fiction to test the validity and relevance of critical assumptions made by postcolonial African metatheorists--nativists, assimilationists and syncretists-- as they try to define African subjectivity and derive an immanent African epistemological order from it. Through a detailed analysis of the works of African novelists such as Chinua Achebe, Ayi Kwei Armah, Mongo Beti, Camara Laye, V.Y. Mudimbe, Mbulelo Mzamane, Ngugi wa Thiong’o, and NJabulo Ndebele, Losambe asserts that, like the syncretists, these writers locate African subjectivity in the borderline space between Africa’s precolonial tradition and Western values, Africa’s orality and Western literacy. “A product of many years of research and scholarship, this book crosses many borders and traverses many cultures. Its landscapes are wide, its analyses frequently deep and engaging. A literate and worthy contribution to the theory and criticism of African litera
Purchase - USD24.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This volume of essays covers all phases and geographical areas of African Literature, including lesser known areas such oral literature, literature written in African language and Lusophone writing. The more studied Francophone and Anglophone literatures are well presented, as are North Africa and the Caribbean. The newest developments in South African theater are described and commented. Two articles on African film are included.Several writers receive special attention: Chinua Achebe, Maryse Conde, Wole Soyinka, Calizthe Beyala, Nugugi wa Thiong'o, Niyi Osundare and Hampate Ba. This volume also contains the keynote addresses by Achebe, Conde, Ngugi and Osundare. In addition there a re articles introducing a number of younger and newer writers such as Bandele Thomas, Joel Matlou, Marie Chauvet, J. J. Dominique, Patrick Chamoiseau and Caryl Phillips.The 1998 conference held in Austin, Texas was the biggest conference ever held by the ALA, and this volume reflects the excitement at the
Purchase - USD18.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
These essays explore the condition of African women, focusing on what one-contributor describes as "the discourses of colonialism and sexism (as) sites where gender, sexuality, race and power constructions intersect." The essays are divided into four categories:The first section under the title "Realities and Fantasies of African Womanbeing" includes essays such as Phanuel Egejuru's exploration of "The Paradox of Womanbeing and the Female Principle in Igbo Cosmology."Section two, "New Options and Redefinitions of Womanbeing," includes Janice Spleth's discussion of Mudimbe's Before the Birth of the Moon; Pauline Uwakwe's cross-cultural analysis of the similarities and differences among female characters in works by continental African writers and those in the diaspora in "Female Choices: The Militant Option in Buchi Emecheta's Destination Biafra, and Alice Walker's Meridian."Section three: "South African WomenWriters and Womanbeing" includes an essay by Natasha Vaube
Purchase - USD21.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
African literary texts can be approached in a variety of ways. They may be examined in isolation as verbal artifacts that have a unique integrity. They may be studied in relation to other texts that preceded and followed them. Or they may be seen against the backdrop of the time, traditions and circumstances that helped to shape them. In this book, all these approaches have been utilized, sometimes singly, sometimes in combination.Included among those authors whose texts are discussed in detail are Peter Abrahams, Chinua Achebe, Ayi Kwei Armah, Mongo Beti, John Bruin, Mbongeni Ngema, Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Okot .'Bitek, Ken Saro-Wiwa, Leopold Sedar Senghor, Ansuyah R. Singh, and Amos Tutuola.
Purchase - USD39.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This book provides an excellent lens to view, interpret, and evaluate the Pentecostal experience in the African continent. Contrary to dominant Western perspectives on African Pentecostalism which sees it as a religious vehicle for Western global cultural influences in Africa, Kalu provides an alternative trans-national discourse that is sensitive to local identities, appropriations, and contestations of global processes. In essay after essay in this volume, he demonstrates the courage to blaze a new path, offer new, bold insights, render prevailing discourse obsolete, and set sail a new one in the treacherous academic waters by shifting the terms, accent, and drift of the old one. As this set of sixteen essays shows, he researched profusely, argued trenchantly, and thought and taught powerfully to change how African Pentecostalism is portrayed, interpreted, and situated both within Christianity and within African traditional religions. In all this, he is not simply correcting distort
Purchase - USD21.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
$21.95   SKU: 9780852555170   Quantity: 1  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30         SAVE     SHARE   Product Description Most African writers are at least bilingual, speaking an African language and writing in an acquired one.How adequately do poets, novelists, playwrights and short story writers use their adopted languages of English and French?To what extent do their African language backgrounds influence or even enrich their achievement in their adopted languages?Do they still use their indigenous languages to express contemporary reality?African Lite
Purchase - USD89.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
The twenty-eight interviews collected in this edited volume were conducted between 1969 and 1986 in various parts of Africa, Europe and the United States. In the volume, leading writers from Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Malawi and South Africa speak out candidly about significant literary developments in the African continent.   Among the interviewees in the volume are Chinua Achebe, Kofi Awoonor, Dennis Brutus, John Pepper Clark-Bekederemo, Joe de Graft, Michael J. C. Echeruo, Obi Egbuna, Cyprian Ekwensi, Aubrey Kalitera, Ken Lipenga, David G. Maillus, Es’kia Mphalele, John Munonye, Meja Mwangi, Peter Nazareth, Anthony Nazombe, Njabulo Ndebele, Hilary Ng’weno, Grace Ogot, Gabriel Okara, Okt p’Bitek, Kole Omotoso, Richard Rive, Ola Rotimi, David Rubadiri, Taban lo Liyong, and Kalu Uka
Purchase - USD34.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
Women character portraiture in Achebe’s novels has been seen from the widely explicit inferiority that marks her being. She is schooled from infancy to be docile and be satisfied with being voice-less even in matters that affect her or her children directly. The overall picture of women is one of weakness and self-effacement. This image stuck especially from the background of Achebe’s objective to present real heroes in the culture that is not what Josef Konrad depicted in Heart of Darkness. The story of Things Fall Apart is of Okonkwo and a society of men where women were relegated to the background of domesticity and motherhood and where if they offered any opposition however feeble, they were beaten to submission and silence. True but that did not reflect the whole story. There are indeed some historical and cultural imperatives in Achebe’s representation of women in his fiction. These are varied according to the historical setting of his novels. Th
Purchase - USD79.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
Cultural nationalism has traditionally been taken as being as plain as day in Achebe's earliest fictional narratives upon which the attention of readers has obsessively been focused. But Ode Ogede calls this powerful view into question. Ogede introduces readers first to the irony of the fact that in these early works Achebe depended upon satires and tragedy- conventions of narrative borrowed from Europe- for his quest to reverse Western assumptions about Africans. He then re-appraises the connection between aesthetics and ideology in Things Fall Apart, Achebe's most famous first novel, which he examines alongside Achebe's lesser known early works of fiction, concluding that we may no longer continue to take commitment for granted in Achebe's early fiction. While arguing that it is ironic that the shortcomings of these imitative texts lies in their defining sources of energy, particularly their reliance upon the poetics of Aristotelian tragedy, tracing the evolution of th
Purchase - USD29.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
Located on the eastern bank of the lower Niger, Onitsha is one of the leading commercial cities and road transport hubs in Nigeria. Its main market is reputed to be the biggest in West Africa.  Founded well before the twentieth century by an Igbo community, it is also predominantly Igbo in population. For a greater part of the twentieth century, up to the late 1950s, it was the leading educational center in southeastern Nigeria. During this period, it spawned a large volume of fictional tracts written by junior clerks and barely literate traders, the body of which is called “Onitsha Market Literature.”             A Political and Administrative History of Onitsha is an in-depth study of the political and administrative history of Onitsha from 1917 (the year it officially became an urban area) to 1970 (the year the Nigerian civil war ended). The book engages the literature on Onitsha and, generally,
Purchase - USD7.99    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
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WHO AM I?: The Supreme Understanding     Africa World Press
Purchase - USD13.56    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
Finding the path to spiritual happiness…
Purchase - USD11    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
A chronicle of Ethiopia's history.
THE QUEENS OF EGYPT     Africa World Press
prepublication    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
The history of Ancient Egypt is full of surprises for the modern investigator. Its extraordinary culture, the high standard of its arts, breadth of its philosophies, perfection of its mechanical skill and brilliancy of its conquests, make up the most remarkable and fascinating story in the annals of nations.
Purchase - USD17.5    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
I know that every man who is willing to pay the price can be a success. The price is not in money, but in effort. The first essential quality for success is the desire to do-to be something. The next thing is to learn how to do it; the next to carry it into execution
Purchase - USD14.96    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This is a classical religious text of which four books have been excommunicated from the standard Biblical text. The four books published here are very descriptive of early Jewish history. It outlines early Jewish heroes in the form of the Maccabean brothers who fought religiously against injustice, and on the side of God's people. This edition also reveals the 151 Psalm, which has also been left out of the Psalms of David, in the BOOK OF PSALMS. A must read, especially since at one time in colonial British societies the possession of the Maccabees Bible was considered seditious. The text for this edition was reset from an original text from the British Museum Library
Purchase - USD12.71    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
A remarkable book that discusses Menelik's heritage, Yassu and Tafari, animals and people, the generation gap and the coup. The revolution is focused on in three different spectrums: the young generation, the crescendo, and the finale
Purchase - USD16.1    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
The Lion of Judah Hath Prevailed, was written by Christine Sanford in 1955, to commemorate the Silver Jubilee of Emperor Haile Sellassie's coronation. This book is a sound, very remarkable chronology and historical document on the life and some of the major achievements of this fascinating and incredible human character. It details the early years of Haile Sellassie, as Emperor of all Ethiopia. It is a valuable resource for scholars and dedicated historical researchers
Purchase - USD50.99    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
This King was said to be in friendly relations with the King of France (probably Portuga) with whom he had direct communication. It was said that the King sent 800 messengers with presents to that European sovereign, but that they were never heard of again. Tradition says that the sounds of bells ringing in the skies was plinly heard in the Akesan (King's) market, and it was conjectured that it was the voices of the unfortunates speaking to them from the other world to tell their fate
Purchase - USD32.99    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
It is only when man becomes master of his fate- able to determine his destiny -that he can be free from fears and inferiority. Such an individual or a nation stands respected by all. For is Africans, the conference of the Heads of States held in May last, is an adequate proof that we are determined to be masters of our fate; owners of our wealth; and capable of removing the adjective "dark" from the name of our continent.
Purchase - USD29.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2018   |  Bookmark
The collection of essays in this volume seek to understand the concept of Ubuntu within the context of the everyday practices in society. The Ubuntu concept was popularised during South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) by its chair, the Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Drawing on the Nguni proverb, Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu (a person is a person through other people), Tutu used it to illustrate our interconnectedness, interdependence and co-agency in the making of relational ideas of personhood that Ubuntu entails.Essays in this book argue that to fully understand Ubuntu and its manifestation in contemporary society we need to locate it in the politics and poetics of the everyday since the everyday represents an indispensable starting point for the reconstruction of meaning. The essays argue that if the politics compel us to immerse Ubuntu in the everyday power relations, the poetics of it calls for a search for a new grammar of speaking that allows us to situate Ubuntu
Purchase - USD10.99    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
Breathing may be considered the most important of all the functions of the body, for, indeed, all other functions depend upon it. Man may exist some time without eating; a shorter time without drinking; but without breathing his existence may be measured by a few minutes
Purchase - USD24.95    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
In this volume, many will be reading for the first time , the attempts made by Mussolini to give Sellassie millions of pounds and to build himself a palace in the country of his choice.
IMHOTEP: The Egyptian God of Medicine     Africa World Press
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This Monograph is consecrated to the memory of the distinguished magician-physician and the sage who first appears on the stage of Egyptian history in the reign of King Zoser of the IIIrd Dynasty, and reappears at the intervals on that stage during a period of over three thousand years. His record therefore extends over a large part of the history of Ancient Egypt.
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A splendid piece of work written on a remarkable, dynamic and indigenous movement by one of its ardent followers. In this book, Mack unfolds the one true binding tenet of the Rastafari concept
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The phenomenon of globalization has influenced the African social and cultural landscape in a variety of ways. Yet its effect on women’s lives has not figured prominently in the scholarship on Africa. This edited volume attempts to change this by bringing together theoretical and conceptual approaches that place African women at the center of the discourse on global societies. In the volume, scholars deconstruct important issues and provide perspectives on understanding and transforming women’s experiences in Africa. Writing from diverse academic disciplines and interdisciplinary standpoints, the contributors explore the realities of African women’s lives in connection to processes of globalization. Some of the issues highlighted include the education of girls in Kenya, women’s role in agriculture and crop production in Africa, women as culture mediators in music, the participation of women in sports, conservation of biodiversity and women in resource management in East Africa, and t
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The relationship between African women and feminism is a contentious one. Embedded in this connection is the question of whether sisterhood—a mantra assuming a common oppression of all women and signifying feminist international/cross-cultural relations—describes the symbolic and functional representation of African women. The contributors in this book are aware of the global discourse on women as articulated by Western feminists and interrogate the issues raised by the misinterpretation of African women of both black and white American feminists. The implications of the dominance of Western men and women in the production of knowledge about Africa are also explored. This is one of the first collections written by African women who were born and raised in Africa and are now teaching in the United States. The papers here focus on a variety of issues including the uses and abuses of female circumcision in global feminist discourse, the problem of the criminalization approach
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In Africa, women's passion to create is evident during times of peace as well as war, under favorable circumstances as well as the most difficult and dangerous imaginable. Their media of expression can be naturally derived or imported. It can vary from monumental stone sculpture to intricate beadwork, or from painting with mud to oil and acrylic. The passion to decorate is evident in daily life from the designs applied to the smallest clay bowls, to the sturdy mud walls of their compounds where women give birth or see life pass away. These decorations are frequently symbolic and the motifs can please as well as reinforce shared community values. Across the African continent, from Timbuktu, Mali to Harare, Zimbabwe or Asmara, Eritrea, whether women weave, sew, sketch, paint, create fabric applique or stone sculptures, their art work often incorporates the duality of myth and reality as they express their hopes, fears, humor, and frustrations.
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Africa Through the Eyes of Women Artists generates energy, history, contemporary ideas, and the natural elements of expression that converge in a centrifugal purpose. The lens of women artists and their unique frames of reference provide a beautifully treated and authentic collage of the African experience."Betty LaDuke's Africa Through the Eyes of Women Artists, unusual portraits of twelve artists from Africa and the Diaspora, makes a significant contribution to women's studies, African diaspora studies, and art history and cultural history. This collection of essays, which result from sensitive interviews conducted by LaDuke with women of African descent throughout the diaspora, provides extraordinary insight into the nature of creative expression among a group of women too long ignored by scholars. LaDuke's pioneering and courageous effort to make visible in this way such a diverse group of talented women deserves our applause." -Beverly Guy-Sheftall, Spelman College"Afric
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The comprehensive character of the African has finally acquired international public recognition. Yet in Africa itself a mood of conservatism and withdrawal characterises intellectual life. A critical perspective is essential for challenging this. Africa is in an Era of Crisis does not claim to provide the definitive answers to Africa's problems. That is not its aim. It's purpose is to state the argument for rethinking critical issues in Africa and through this argument press home the necessity for critical debate. It is our contention that such an intellectual revolution is one of the requirements for meaningful change in Africa today.
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This book revisits the concepts and methodologies associated with eurocentrism in particular and hegemonic discourse in general, as these relate to African studies. Racial bias, intolerance, parochialism, and male chauvinism have manifested themselves in various ways and this text aims to address the important issues surrounding this phenomenon. Five contributors, including the editor, posit alternative modes of explanation, some of which are explored further in the critique of several world history textbooks and their misconceptions and false assumptions, as well as a review of the Europocentric-Afrocentric debate of the 1990s. Other major topics addressed here are the historical writings on the Atlantic slave trade, reformist feminist evangelism, and the various forces involved in the development of Africanist theories and models. This important work is a major contribution to methodology, and it reaffirms the need for a periodic review of scholars and scholarship in the academy, e
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Women character portraiture in Achebe’s novels has been seen from the widely explicit inferiority that marks her being. She is schooled from infancy to be docile and be satisfied with being voice-less even in matters that affect her or her children directly. The overall picture of women is one of weakness and self-effacement. This image stuck especially from the background of Achebe’s objective to present real heroes in the culture that is not what Josef Konrad depicted in Heart of Darkness. The story of Things Fall Apart is of Okonkwo and a society of men where women were relegated to the background of domesticity and motherhood and where if they offered any opposition however feeble, they were beaten to submission and silence. True but that did not reflect the whole story. There are indeed some historical and cultural imperatives in Achebe’s representation of women in his fiction. These are varied according to the historical setting of his novels. Th
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This book is a welcome and noteworthy addition to the field of mothering, motherhood, and gender studies. Methodically and with precision, each chapter provides an introduction, discussion on research, analysis of the findings, exploration of the participants’ narratives, and conclusion.  The accessible studies strike a solid balance on the interpersonal and multidimensional models of academic mothers and the most insightful components are the voices of the interviewees, especially as they highlight the diverse roles of academic mothers in the selected countries.  As the authors’ poignantly posit, these women “express concerns about their family, social and labour routines, and their roles as mother, academic professional and a woman.”  Each chapter also has a diverse range of interviewees and the authors skilfully weave the respondents’ compelling stories into the framework of their analysis. The authors note that “the women speak of
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"Too few books give an in-depth view of the challenges that African women face in running the enterprises which often provide the main source of support for their families. Ten years ago Women in African Economies: From Burning Sun to Boardroom, based on the lives of 74 women entrepreneurs in Uganda, helped to fill this gap. In her new book, Dr. Margaret Snyder revisits many of these women and, with her co-author Sarah Kitakule, gives a unique account of how they have coped over the past decade – with trade liberalization and economic and environmental change; with drought and disease; and with tragedies and triumphs in their households and enterprises. Covering women who belong to both the informal and formal sector, farmers and traders as well as owners of small businesses, and live both in rural and urban areas, the book gives a real feel for how, through thick and through thin, women have been and remain the economic backbone of their communities and count
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Set in Sierra Leone, West Africa, A Tale of Three Women is epic in scope , covering a span of about sixty years and touching upon the most important developments in that country’s recent history from about 1918 to the 1970s. It encompasses events such as the worldwide influenza epidemic, the Second World War, the preparation for independence, the achievement of independence, and the post-independence malaise. But all these serve only as a background against which Eustace Palmer deftly weaves the experiences of three very different women who were originally friends at a traditional sewing school, but whose fortunes take widely different turns through their different characters and the choices they and others make. In the process the novel becomes a penetrating study of the condition of women—women whose husbands are chosen for them; women who lack opportunity for advancement in a male-dominated world; women who are exploited, abused, and betrayed by men; women who are a
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This book, produced in conjunction with the exhibition, Gendered Visions: The Art of Contemporary Africana Women Artists, includes essays focusing on six accomplished artists -- Elisabeth T. Atnafu from Ethiopia (painter, installation artist), Xenobia Bailey from the U.S. (fiber and mixed media artist), Renee Cox from Jamaica (photographer), Angele E. Essamba from Cameroon (photographer), Houria Niata from Algeria (painter, installation artist), and Etiye Dimma Poulsen from Ethiopia (sculptor). All are of African descent who live and work in the West.The first six essays contributed by Salah Hassan, Dorothy Desir-Davis, Bob Meyers, Diane Butler, and Florence Alexis, provide thoughtful as well as insightful readings of the artists' works in relation to their life stories, aesthetics, and socio-cultural background. They investigate intellectual projects and foreground the rick visual vocabularies created by these artists in their search for the most effective means of expressing the
FETHA NAGUST     Africa World Press
Purchase - USD25.5    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
Ethiopian ancient law; governing the royalty, nobility, and clergy of Ethiopia for centuries
prepublication    ISBN N/A        English    Year Published 2019   |  Bookmark
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